Adult Residential Programs

Stairways Behavioral Health assists adults with mental health care needs at any stage in their recovery through comprehensive rehabilitation, treatment and support programs.

Through a wide variety of treatment programs, skill-based programs and drug & alcohol treatment, as well as outreach programs, housing, adult education, employment services and social opportunities, Stairways helps adults to build skills essential for living, working, learning and participating fully in the community.

The most progressive mental health care provider in Erie County, Stairways serves more than 8,000 each year. Most programs are covered by Medicare and Medicaid or private insurance, depending on eligibility.



The Residential Treatment Program for Adults is a 15-bed facility providing 24-hr, supervised care for up to 30 days. The program provides a safe and supportive setting as an alternative to inpatient mental health hospitalization or as a step-down from inpatient care.
Not only do individuals in acute psychological distress require kindness and care, but they many need assistance in managing normal everyday routines that, under better circumstances, would not appear daunting at all.

Treatment is tailored to meet each individual's needs and goals through a holistic, multidisciplinary approach. Services provided can include psychiatry, nursing, individual and group therapy, and case management.

Location: 106 E. 29th Street, Erie, PA 16504

Phone: 814.878.2153


Long Term Structured Residence (LTSR)

The Stairways Behavioral Health long-term structured residence (LTSR) setting provides a highly recovery-focused mental health treatment program. Referrals are received from a supervised setting; and treatment focuses on managing mental health symptoms, developing independent living skills and re-integration into the community.

The LTSR is a part of Erie County's continuum of care and bridges the gap between hospital and home with an extended stay lasting an average of six months. The treatment-rich environment is guided by a physician, nurses and a team of mental health professionals, mental health workers and peer specialists.

People in the program and their families are encouraged to take an active role in their recovery process, treatment planning and discharge. As individuals prepare to transition from the LTSR, staff are available to assist with referrals to supportive services in the community, including such programs as Blended Case Management, Psychiatric Rehabilitation, Mobile Medication Management, Certified Peer Support, Assertive Community Treatment and other resources as needed.

Location: 810 Walnut Street, Erie, PA 16502

Phone: 814.464.8061


Fairweather Lodge

A lodge is a living arrangement designed specifically for persons with mental illness who are active members of society and wish to live independently. Those who benefit most are persons who may not be able to afford things like rent, food, transportation and utilities on their own but could do so with the help of other housemates.

Lodge members share in the day-to-day experiences of running a home and do so more affordably than if they lived on their own. Lodge members create their own house rules and manage their own activities. Lodges are member-managed. Staff assist only as needed and are available in emergency situations. On-site staff is very limited as the goal of the lodge is to promote independent living with minimal assistance.

Location: 510 West 10th Street, Erie, PA 16502

Phone: 814.314.9950


Stairways also offers a Youth in Transition Fairweather Lodge for females ages 18-25 who are experiencing mental illness. Individuals in the program receive skills training and support to identify goals for living, learning, working and socializing in a healthy, productive way, with the ability to then move on to become more independent adults.


Location: Erie, PA 16502

Phone: 814.870.5333


Enhanced Personal Care Home

What is a Personal Care Home?

Stairways Personal Care Homes are 24-hour, supervised, state-licensed facilities where persons with mental health care needs receive therapeutic support as well as recreational and social opportunities.

Residents receive individualized care in safe, home-like environments, recognizing their unique mental health needs. Individuals are assisted in reaching and maintaining their maximum potential and are encouraged to develop continuing, self-sustained, independent activities in addition to those provided by the program.


Services provided

Activities at personal care homes are developed to meet the needs of each resident. Some activities are conducted in groups to provide opportunities to socialize with others, while others are individual activities for each resident. Most services are provided on the grounds of the homes, with additional opportunities to visit and experience interesting places in the community.

Assistance activities can include:

  • Maintaining mental and physical health
  • Arranging for and managing health care
  • Making and keeping doctor’s appointments
  • Managing medications
  • Maintaining personal hygiene
  • Doing laundry
  • Arranging for transportation
  • Managing benefits and finances
  • Participating in social and recreational activities
  • Interpersonal relationship skills
  • Beneficial use of leisure time
  • Vocational training

Who qualifies for Personal Care Home services?

This program is available to adult Erie County residents with serious and persistent mental illness who meet the criteria for this level of daily support.

These services are critical for individuals in need of enhanced care for complex needs and personalized attention in a safe and stable environment.

Residents are enrolled by Erie County Care Management (ECCM).

For more information, contact 814-878-2124.

810 Walnut Street, Erie, PA 16502

118 East 26th Street, Erie, PA 16504

432 West 3rd Street, Erie, PA 16507